Raise Revenue Fairly and Invest Wisely
Most Rhode Islanders share a vision of what the Ocean State should strive for: great schools for our children, safe roads and bridges, vibrant communities, prosperous families, and access to quality and affordable health care, housing, and child care. The primary way we pay for these things is through our taxes.
Tax and budget accountability, and transparency are important to Rhode Islanders. We deserve to know both how the state raises revenue, and how it forgoes revenue through tax expenditures including tax incentives, credits, and exemptions. We also deserve to know whether our tax dollars are being well spent and whether policies that forfeit revenue are achieving their intended result.

Budget Matters
State Budget
The state budget is the most important public policy document in Rhode Island. Decisions about how much to spend, what to spend it on and how to pay for these priorities have a significant impact on families and communities across the state. It is important for Rhode Islanders to understand the budget process and have a powerful voice in the debate over tax and spending decisions.
Improve tax fairness by enacting a 3% surcharge for millionaires only on their income above $1 million. This will raise an estimated $126 million annually and direct the new revenue to childcare, education, public transportation, roads, and bridges.

Explore Coalitions and Priorities Related to this Issue
Browse priorities directed to helping expand economic security and opportunity for workers and families across Rhode Island.
For more, check out our Ways to Take Action page to find out how you can help address this issue.
Coalition for a Multilingual Rhode Island
Coalition for a Multilingual Rhode Island is a coaltion of organizations and community members dedicated to creating a culturally sustaining educational environment where all Rhode Island students learn in multiple languages from Pre-K to college.
Equity Impact Campaign
The Rhode Island Equity Impact Campaign is comprised of advocacy, philanthropic, faith, and community groups that have come together to ensure that policies, programs, and the state budget correct historic disparities and advance equity-centered policies to make Rhode Island a place where all residents can thrive.
Immigrant Coalition of Rhode Island
The Immigrant Coalition of Rhode Island is an association of 33 organizations committed to ensuring fair and equal treatment of our immigrant neighbors.
The Let RI Vote for Same Day Registration campaign is a project of the Rhode Island Voting Access Coalition. The coalition is a collection of community groups and other organizations working to advance the cause of voting rights in Rhode Island
Protect Our Healthcare Coalition
The Protect Our Healthcare Coalition is a group of leading Rhode Island consumer and non-profit service organizations as well as hundreds of individuals working to protect access to quality, affordable healthcare for all Rhode Islanders.
Raise the Bar Coalition
Rhode Island has a nursing home staffing crisis that far predated the pandemic. The Raise the Bar coalition strives to achieve safe staffing and quality resident care. Each day; Raise the Bar continues its work to make sure that every nursing home resident and caregiver can live with dignity, respect and safety.
Raising Rhode Island
The Raising RI Coalition is dedicated to lifting children out of poverty by increasing the RI Works benefit and to breaking the cycle of poverty by providing parents with education and training opportunities leading to well-paying, secure jobs. RI Works is the state’s cash assistance program for children and their parents or caregivers and a work preparation program for the adults.
Revenue for Rhode Islanders
Revenue for Rhode Islanders is a campaign to raise much-needed revenue for Rhode Island by ensuring the top 1% of earners contribute their fair share.
The revenue raised through this legislation will be used to fund vital programs and services that impact all Rhode Island families – like public education, infrastructure improvements, better care for our seniors and individuals with developmental disabilities, and much more.
Rhode Island Coalition for Payday Lending Reform
The Rhode Island Coalition for Payday Lending Reform brings together advocates and individuals who seek to end predatory lending in Rhode Island. The coalition aims to make storefront payday lenders follow the same rules as other small dollar loan lenders and charge annual interest rates no higher than 36% instead of the 260% rate they are able to charge due to a special carve-out in Rhode Island law that exempts them from the normal rules.
The Rhode Island Interfaith Coalition to Reduce Poverty
The coalition serves as a faith-based voice on systemic issues that underlie poverty. They are an advocate for sound legislation and public policies that address the causes of poverty and that promote economic well-being for all Rhode Islanders.
Rhode Island Workforce Alliance
The Economic Progress Institute coordinates the Alliance, a partnership among adult education and workforce training providers, business, labor, philanthropic organizations and other community leaders dedicated to ensuring that our state has a dynamic and comprehensive workforce development system that meets the needs of employers and workers, especially those with low skills.
RI Paid Leave Coalition
Rhode Island workers need paid family leave in order to take care of and/or bond with their loved ones. Get involved in our paid family leave campaign!
RIght From the Start
RIght from the Start is a legislative and state budget campaign to advance policies for young children and their families in Rhode Island. While Rhode Island has much to offer, the reality is too many families struggle to support their young children during the critical early years of brain development. Similarly, early educators and the child care industry have not received the support they need as an essential service industry.
Additionally, we need to support Rhode Island workers with benefits like paid family leave in order for them to care and/or bond with a newborn child or take care their loved ones.
Voices for Better Health
The Affordable Care Act has launched initiatives to allow states to develop innovative demonstration projects to provide better coordinated, comprehensive, high quality care to dual eligibles. Community Catalyst has a long history of working to improve systems of care for Medicare-Medicaid enrollees. Building on that experience, the Voices for Better Health program is partnering with state and local advocates in Michigan, New York, Ohio and Rhode Island to shape the design and implementation of these initiatives so they best serve the needs of this unique population.
EARN is a nationwide network of research, policy, and advocacy organizations fighting, state by state, for an economy that works for everyone.
Family Values @ Work
Family Values @ Work is a movement network of grassroots organizers and coalitions in more than two dozen states working toward economic, racial and gender justice. We have built power in key states and localities focused on winning policies that support workers and families including paid family and medical leave, earned sick and safe days, and affordable, high-quality childcare at the state and national levels.
State Priorities Partnership
The fight for a just and equitable America is under way in the states, and the State Priorities Partnership – a network of more than 40 independent, nonprofit research and policy organizations – is leading the way.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is a nonpartisan research and policy institute that advances federal and state policies to help build a nation where everyone — regardless of income, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, ZIP code, immigration status, or disability status — has the resources they need to thrive and share in the nation’s prosperity.
Center for Responsible Lending
The Center for Responsible Lending is a non-partisan, nonprofit research and policy advocacy organization working to promote financial fairness and economic opportunity for all, end predatory lending, and close the racial wealth gap.
Economic Policy Institute
The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank created in 1986 to include the needs of low- and middle-income workers in economic policy discussions.
Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
ITEP is a non-profit, non-partisan tax policy organization. They conduct rigorous analyses of tax and economic proposals and provide data-driven recommendations to shape equitable and sustainable tax systems.
Institute for Women's Policy Research
The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that engages in research and dissemination to shape public policy and improve the lives and opportunities of women from diverse backgrounds.
National Women's Law Center
The National Women’s Law Center fights for gender justice—in the courts, in public policy, and in our society—working across the issues that are central to the lives of women and girls.
National Partnership for Women & Families
The National Partnership for Women & Families is a national nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works to make life better for women and families.
Prosperity NOW
Prosperity Now, is working daily to transform current systems, practices and policies in service of an economy that works for everyone.
State Revenue Alliance
State Revenue Alliance unites state-based community groups, policy advocates, and labor organizations and helps them build winning coalition campaigns that aim to stop the drain on our communities and fully fund our futures.