
2022 Candidate Briefing Book

Last updated: March 07, 2024

Dear Candidates and Rhode Island Voters,

Every election presents an opportunity for positive change. The question is: What type of change do you want to see in Rhode Island?

We all share the common value of fair treatment and economic prosperity for ourselves and our families. We want to live in healthy and vibrant communities where we can thrive. Elections remind us that policies have significant impact on the communities, people, and issues we value. The challenge is identifying and implementing policies that will deliver meaningful and equitable results.

The 2022 Economic Progress Institute Candidate Briefing Book provides a starting place for you to examine policies affecting everyday Rhode Islanders. EPI’s expert policy analysts have researched these policies and the factors you may need to consider when promoting budgetary and legislative solutions.

We encourage you to read, share, and discuss the issues raised in this book. Let us know your thoughts. We hope that as we open the discussion focused on improving lives for Rhode Islanders, we take the first step toward real change.

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