
2024 Policy and Budget Priorities

Last updated: January 26, 2024

Paid Family Leave (TCI)

Increase the maximum caregiving time from 6 to 12 weeks; expand the definition of family to include siblings, grandchildren, and "chosen family;" and increase the wage replacement rate from 60% to 90% so that low-wage workers won't have to take a 40% pay cut to care for seriously ill family.

Worker Justice

Increase Rhode Island's minimum wage and Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC); create a permanent Child Tax Credit (CTC) to ensure families can meet their basic needs; and increase funding for adult education and multilanguage

Secure Choice Retirement

Ensure Rhode Islanders can be financially secure in retirement by creating a retirement savings plan for private sector employees who do not have a retirement savings option offered by their employer.

Child Care

Expand eligibility for Rl's Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP); end the child support mandate for CCAP eligibility; and increase provider rates for childcare programs to address the staffing and wage crisis in this sector.

Baby Bonds

Create a Rhode Island Baby Bond Trust to provide every child whose birth is covered by Medicaid, or no insurance, with a $3,000 investment at birth; the state will invest the money until the child turns eighteen and yield approximately $12,000 for the child to use for wealth-building purposes such as education, buying a home in RI, starting a business in RI, or for retirement savings.

Health Care

Provide adequate Medicaid funds to address workforce shortages in behavioral health, home & community-based long-term care, and primary care; increase eligibility for the state's Medicare Savings Programs; and fully fund the ombuds program to protect access to coverage for Medicare-Medicaid dual eligible Rhode Islanders.

Rhode Island Works

Increase the RI Works benefits and link them to inflation; restore eligibility to legal permanent residents; and repeal full family sanctions.

Payday Lending Reform

Require predatory, payday lenders to play by the same rules as other lenders so they cannot charge an annual interest rate of 260% and trap low-income Rhode Islanders in cycles of debt.


Improve tax fairness by enacting a 3% surcharge for millionaires only on their income above $1 million. This will raise an estimated $126 million annually for Rhode Islanders and their future.

Equity Impact Statements

Require Equity Impact Statements (tools similar to fiscal notes) for proposed legislation and the governor's proposed budget - policies and budgets should reflect Rl's values and ensure that everyone can thrive

Same-Day Voter Registration

Increase voter turnout and improve voter list accuracy by allowing eligible residents to register and vote up to and on election day .

The EPI priorities and full policy agenda are made in partnership with many coalitions and partners including: Equity Impact Campaign,Immigrant Coalition, Paid Leave, Payday Lending Reform Coalition, Protect Our HealthCare Coalition, Raising RI Coalition, Revenue ForRhode Islanders, RIght From the Start Coalition, The Rhode Island Interfaith Coalition to Reduce Poverty, Voices for Better Health, andWorkforce Alliance.

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