Child Care

Child Care Assistance Program

Last updated: February 11, 2025

Who Qualifies?

  • Families with income less than 200% of the federal poverty level (FPL) in which the parent/caretaker relative is working or attending a RI public college/university or attending a short-term training program. The parent must be working or attending school/training for at least 20 hours/week. Once the family is receiving services, they continue to be eligible until income exceeds 300% FPL. See below for these ‘entry’ and ‘exit’ income limits.
    • Effective January 1, 2025, families with income less than 261% of FPL are eligible for CCAP.
  • Short-term special-approval child care necessitated by the disability of the parent or child. Also, child care can be provided to a pregnant or parenting teen who needs child care to continue her education.
  • The child must be a citizen or eligible immigrant. Eligible immigrants include lawful permanent residents (green card), refugees, persons granted asylum and other immigrants lawfully residing in the U.S.
  • A pilot program, launched on August 1, 2023, makes childcare free for childcare workers by eliminating copayments for staff who work at least 20 hours/week and have family incomes up to 300% FPL ($77,460 for a household of 3). The program is accepting applications through July 31, 2025. 

Income and Resource Limits

The resource limit is $1,000,000 in liquid resources (money in the bank, money market accounts, etc.). Income must be within the limits below.

Other Program Rules

  • As a condition of eligibility, the parent must cooperate with the Office of Child Support Services to establish a child support order against the non-custodial parent of the child receiving the subsidy.
  • Families pay a co-payment of between 2 and 7% of gross income. Only one co-payment is required, regardless of the number of children receiving CCAP assistance.

Eligible Providers

Parent can choose any of the following type of participating provider:

• Licensed day care center
• Certified family home day care
• Approved relative, friend or neighbor

For assistance finding a provider, call BrightStars at 1-855-398-7605. Services available in English and Spanish. You may also search online at

How to Apply

Apply online or fill out a paper application. For application information click here. You can also call 1 (855) 697-4347 to request an application or go to a local DHS office. No interview is required but documentation of certain information must be provided. Applicants must be notified of a decision in writing within 30 days from the date the application and required documentation is received by DHS. Families are re-certified for CCAP once a year.

Applicants who are denied CCAP and recipients who are notified that the subsidy will be reduced or terminated can request a hearing in writing within 30 days of the date on the notice. RI Legal Services (1-800-662-5034) may be able to provide assistance to families denied or terminated from CCAP.

Income Guidelines, Child Care (2025) 

Family Size Entry Income Limit (Yearly) Exit Income Limit (Yearly) Entry Income Limit (Monthly)Exit Income Limit (Monthly) 
2 $55,202$63,450$4,600$5,287
3 $69,557$79,950$5,796$6,662
4 $83,912$96,450$6,992$8,037
5 $98,267$112,950$8,188$9,412
6 $112,622$129,450$9,385$10,787

Child Care Co-payment Amount (Jan 2024) 

Income Level % of Gross Income Required as Co-Pay Family Size 
of 2  Yearly/  Weekly Co-Pay
Family Size 
of 3/  Weekly Co-Pay
Family Size 
of 4/  Weekly Co-Pay
Family Size 
of 5/  Weekly Co-Pay
Family Size 
of 6/  Weekly Co-Pay 
<100% FPL 0% 











100 – 125% FPL 2% 











>125 – 150% FPL 5% 











>150 - 261% FPL 7% 











>200 – 300% FPL 7% 











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