Health Care

Katie Beckett Program

Last updated: August 29, 2024

Provides medical coverage through the Medical Assistance Program to children with serious disabilities so they can live with their parents instead of in an institution.

Who Qualifies?

  • Children under the age of 19 living at home but who need the level of care provided in a hospital, nursing facility or institutional facility where the estimated cost to provide care in the home is less than the cost of the institution.
  • Must be citizen or eligible immigrant. Eligible immigrants are: Eligible immigrants include refugees and persons granted asylum. All children are eligible regardless of immigration status.

Income and Resource Limits

Only the child’s income and resources are counted. Resources must be less than $4,000 and income must be less than the cost of the care in the institution.

How to Apply

You can apply online here through HealthSource RI or by submitting a paper application which you can download here. You can also request a paper application from a DHS office or by calling: 1-855-697-4347.

A decision on the application is made within 90 days.

Children denied Katie-Beckett coverage and recipients who are notified that benefits will be terminated can request a hearing within 30 days of the date of the notice. If a hearing is requested within 10 days of the notice of benefit termination or reduction, benefits can continue until a hearing decision is reached. The state will see whether the child (and perhaps other household members) are eligible for RIte Care (i.e., family income is less than the income limit for children). If family income exceeds the RIte Care children’s income limit, the Katie Beckett income rules will apply. Whether the child is enrolled through RIte Care or Katie Beckett, the services to which the child is entitled are the same.

RI Legal Services (1-800-662-5034), the Disability Rights RI (401-831-3150), or RIPIN (401-270-0101) may provide assistance to families who are denied benefits, receive notice of termination or have other problems with Katie Beckett Medical Assistance coverage.

For more information about Katie Beckett coverage go to the EOHHS website.

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